As yachts are growing ever larger, with more crew, more waste and less marinas that can fit them in; they are requiring products that would usually only be seen on commercial vessels. Sentini Marine are proud to be suppliers of these products into the yachting market.

Glass Crusher | Paper and Cardboard Shredder | Waste Compactor
The DT-200 series waste handling system is our optimal combination of waste compactor, shredder and glass crusher from our DT- 200 product portfolio. Processing waste is a time consuming, but important part of the modern marine industry. Making this work as efficient and logistically friendly as possible is Deliteks main concern. This is why development of a complete range of Delitek equipment, to work together as a system, makes a lot of sense.
In the unique Delitek solution, the mobile containers are the main feature. The containers can also be interchanged between shredder, waste compactor and glass crusher. Extra containers can be stored outside the machines, doubling as waste bins. When fully loaded, they are ready to be inserted in the waste compactor for processing. Together this removes a substantial part of manual transfer of waste from bin to bin before processing.
Process example:
Plastic cans and PET bottles are brought to the garbage processing room / location.
The container marked “Hard plastics” are rolled into the shredder.
Waste is loaded and processed into small strips in the shredder.
After processing is finished the container is rolled out of the shredder and directly into the compactor. A compaction cycle is run, to further compact the shredded waste.
The container is either left inside the compactor, or rolled back into a storage rack system on deck.
Busy yacht schedules and demanding diets can put pressure on yacht chefs to have a range of food available in inconvenient locations. Fitting an air purifier in the food store and walk in fridge can extend the life of food onboard significantly.

Industrial GCS Air Purifier